I haven’t posted anything to your blog section in quite some time.

It appears that this is quite normal considering where you’re at in your development and that if I did have time to hang out on the computer, then there may be cause for alarm.

I have been working (not too steadily of course) on a new look for your website. It was supposed to be all ready to go by your birthday…but again, please go to the top of this page and re-read paragraph two. Anyways, you are so smart kiddo! You’re really talking now, putting sentences together with fancy words that neither your Mama or I knew you knew. And you have the most hilarious facial expressions, although I don’t think you’re trying to be funny with some of them and seems to upset you when we don’t take you seriously.

I’m going to try and post more frequently, however I wanted to be sure and leave a little audio clip of you practicing your ABCs. It was made on April 28th, 2016 – so yes, you almost had your alphabet learned before you were 2!

No pressure of course.