You are now two months old (and 3 days)!
Obviously you are keeping both both your mom and I very busy or else there probably would have been a lot more posts in the last couple of months!

You are growing so quickly little man! You now weigh about 10lbs which is near double what you weighed when you were born. You eat often, and for everything you’ve been through – you’re not nearly as fussy as you probably could be. You have already out grown many of your newborn outfits – and even some of the 3 month outfits! Your most recent dr appointment showed us that your height, weight and head size are all in the normal ranges for a baby your age. That was great news!

The not-so-great news was that you had your first vaccines at that same dr appointment. Holy cow, you were not a fan of those shots, but I think somewhere in your baby brain you appreciated the skull and crossbones band-aids the techs put on your legs. You wore them very well! Of course the vaccines caused you to be a little under the weather for the rest of the day, but all-in-all you were very brave.

Your mom and I are very proud to have you as our son! We show you off every chance we get. Your mom takes you on her walks every morning around the neighborhood and you accompany her to the Momma group she’s joined.

Tomorrow you will be heading to the beach for the first time and will get to see the ocean. Your mom and I are so excited, but I have a feeling Jackson wishes he were coming too. Don’t worry though, he’ll be having fun at the dog resort while we’re away.

Shortly after we get back from the beach, your Wisconsin grandma and grandpa will be back to see you and watch you celebrate the rest of your Baptism ceremony. You are one busy baby.

I think I’ll be done with work early today, which means I’ll get to see you sooner than normal and hopefully you’ll still be awake and smiling!