Yesterday was a whole week that you’ve been home from the NICU.

You are certainly a treat, a welcome – yet unpredictable cherub!

Both your mom and I, but especially your mom, are working with very little sleep. But this sleeplessness is much more doable than the type of tiredness we felt while you were at the hospital. We are just so glad that you’re finally home! You have started putting on weight, you’re eating well, taking your medicine like a good little tot and have already been to your pediatrician two times! You’ve toured your new neighborhood 3 times in your stroller, twice with your mom and I (and Jackson), and once with just your mom. I think you really would have found it funny watching us try to figure out how to work the stroller in conjunction with your car seat. Click here, snap there, press this, pull that, release…geeze, you’re much easier to work with than some of your peripheral devices.

Jackson is really being good with you, and since you can’t talk yet, I’m assuming you absolutely love the big tongue licks you’ve been receiving pretty much all over your tiny body. Right now you pretty much just eat and sleep, but your moments of alertness are increasing, and I can tell that your vision is becoming more clear. It’s truly a remarkable feeling when you look at me and I can tell you’re really “seeing” me. So many friends and family members have been great checking in on you (and us) and providing us with dinners or other useful things that we may not have the strength to do ourselves during this transition into such a new routine.

Pictures of you are everywhere. We hope you don’t mind. You are our little “Miracules” and we can’t help but want to show you off to everyone, everywhere!

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings little boy.

Love, your dad.