We are now under the care of a regular Obstetrician. While this is great news in general, it also means that we don’t get as many ultrasounds as were when being seen at the Fertility clinic.

But fear not, little one – we have an upcoming appointment in about a week and a half and I’ll be able to put my eyes on you again! I can’t wait! Your mom says you’re the size of a fig now. By the time of the next appointment you’ll probably be the size of a baseball?! I really don’t have a clue. Anyways, stay well and maybe we’ll find out if you’re going to be a boy or a girl… Seems like everyone is having baby girls lately…a baby boy might be about due…

Know that either way, both your mom and I will be the happiest, most proud parents anywhere!

Talk to you soon (through your mommie’s tummy!)