As if you already haven’t been through so much in your short life – welcome to a pandemic.
Being 6 years old, I’m sure you will remember some of the strange and sometimes difficult changes we have had to make as a family and as a civilization.
You have asked, and continue to ask, great questions about this virus. Most of the time I have to direct you to Momma, who can answer these well thought out wonderings of yours. Most of the time.
We have isolated as best we can since March, and thankfully you haven’t had to go back to the hospital since February. That was your list stay and it was a pretty major one as you were very sick. Covid 19 was just being discovered in the United States around this time and I remember joking to your mom and even my co-workers that maybe you had that. In hindsight I guess it wasn’t so funny, but that’s how your dada copes, I guess. Jokes and laughs to cover the seriousness of things. The seriousness of your illness and how sick you were, and how serious this new virus was. Imagine my surprise when I came in to visit you at the hospital just after you had been diagnosed. Mama took me aside and said that you had a metapneumovirus and …wait for it…corona virus. No joke. I about fell over. But before I could, you mama told me that it wasn’t (as far as we know) the same “kind” of corona virus as Covid 19. I guess there are a lot of corona virus’ out there. Who knew?

Anyways, you made a full recovery from that hellish stay and one month later we are confined to the house. Your preschool had a drive-by graduation ceremony which was great since you had a chance (from the van window) to see some of your good friends. Kindergarten started “remotely”. That is a very common term these days, and one – I think – we are all grateful for. However, doing school from an iPad has proved to challenge even my “superior technical intellect” and I have humbled myself on several occasions while attending the virtual “how-to’s” provided by the school.