Hello little guy!

Happy 3 month birthday!

Time is going by so fast. As of last week, your mom has gone back to work and I’ve left my job to be your stay-at-home dad. Kudos to your mom, because you require a lot of energy young man!

So at this glorious stage in your life, you’ve accomplished quite a bit;

You said “Momma” (but Momma doesn’t really think that’s what you said, however, I know what I heard).
Your Baptism was finished by Father Tom and your Grandma and Grandma from Wisconsin came to visit with you, along with your North Carolina Grandma and Uncle and some other family friends, all to share in your special day!
As I try to teach you how to count to 5, you now move your fingers around while I count, like you’re trying to mimic me.
After introducing you to Raffi’s, “Banana Phone”, you made some sort of humming, babel-like sounds, which I’ve decided was you singing.
We think you might have started teething. Both your mom and I hope we are wrong about this.
You now make the morning trips to the dog park with me, and I’ve noticed that Jackson (our dog), keeps an extra eye on you while he’s playing with his friends.
You seem to really enjoy “swimming” in the pool, once you’ve been dipped in and acclimated to the water temp, that is.
Finally, (and there’s probably so much more) you’ve started going to bed around 1900 and have been sleeping through the night until about 0500! That’s not always the case, but I guess it’s pretty amazing that you do that so soon!

It’s funny, I thought I would have more time to work with this website after becoming a stay-at-home dad, but it doesn’t seem to work that way. At least not right now. Perhaps you’ll give me a routine somewhere down the road?

Perhaps not. 🙂

We love you and we can’t believe you’re already 3 months old!
Mom and Dad