You’ll always be “our baby, Aidan”, but you’re really more toddler now.

So it has been very difficult to get a lot of pictures in the last few weeks because your daddy has gone back to work for a couple of months. Your grandma here in North Carolina is a school teacher and has happily agreed to watch you while she is on summer break. Hopefully she gets a break…you are very interested in everything now.

You are walking everywhere these days and just about ready to start running. That will probably happen right when I get you back at the end of the summer. You’ve been saying a whole bunch of new words, but our favorite is that you really know what you’re saying when you call out, “momma” and “dada”. “Brown Bear”, we believe, is your first two-syllable word – or at least your first two words put together. You really love that book.

You’ve been to the museum several times now. You seem to really like everything they have there so we got a family membership. Between that and the pool everyday at grandma’s, you’re living a pretty good life so far! (Daddy and mommy both are just a little jealous, if you can’t tell)

Momma took you to the beach with grandma for a whole week. I stayed home because of work and took care of Jackson and the kitty cats. On the one hand it was nice to have some “time” at the end of the day, but I really just wasted it watching movies and staying up too late (10PM!). In the end, I missed you all horribly, didn’t sleep well, and was grateful when all of you finally came back.

Your momma got me a book for Father’s day, so I’m going to try to read a few pages of that now before I go start the day. See you in a few hours!
