Today you’re 11 months old! Though I don’t have any pictures taken as of today, I thought I’d better post something about this next milestone in your life’s timeline.

You might notice that I completely failed to get an entry in for your 10 month birthday! That’s because the older you get, the less time I seem to have for this computer stuff, or really anything for that matter. So I guess I’ll sort of combine the two entries here while I have a few minutes.

You are very mobile now! I don’t think I could crawl as fast as you can little man! It seems like just a few days ago I could leave you playing in the living room while I washed dishes or got your food ready and wouldn’t need to worry too much about what you may discover. This is no longer the case. The most extreme example of this is when I had my back turned for only a few moments and when I turned around you had not only made your way to the staircase, but you had also climbed a couple of them as well! It definitely put me in gear to get the bottom baby gate put up – or at least attempt to put it up. Someday I’ll have to tell you about just how hard that job has been for me. I apparently am lacking severely in carpentry skills.

You also took your first big tumble. I’m not really sure what happened, only that you fell into your toys, and somehow cut your gum above your front teeth. It bled pretty bad, but you shook it off after a few minutes and were back to playing again a short time later. Oh, and I can’t forget your first “real” cold. Both your mom and I thought we lost a lot of sleep when you first came home as a newborn, but it was really nothing compared to having a sick baby! Then to make matters worse, your cold turned into an ear infection. Anyhow, you were on the pink stuff (amoxicillin) for 10 days which seemed to do the trick as far as your mood went, but you still have quite the gooey rivers coming from your nose.

All this excitement! You have really taken to saying, “hi”. You can have quite a lengthy conversation just using that word alone. Haha! Anyways, it’s time to put you down for your nap now – funny since I’ve been writing this post for two days now.

We love you and are so excited for all the tomorrows!